If you know me, you know how my mind wants to put a quirky spin on almost everything! So, when I first decided to create this blog, I had to think of a really good title. I was so excited as I have become very familiar with the idea of "stretching and growing" through seasons of life. So naturally, being me, I thought it would be great to have that as a theme! Within milli-milli-milli seconds, my mind went straight to trying to create an acronym, and I'm sure you've guessed it........SAG!! Seriously, that was not what my cheery little heart was looking for. So I thought, just as quickly, to flip it.....you got it.....GAS!! Really! I'm sure I'm in like company when I say neither is appealing nor do I possess them;) Which led me to remember that stretching and growing isn't appealing either! It's hard. Bare down hard at times. There's seasons that take the wind out of your sail and leaves your heart aching for answers. Like the unlikely and not at all expected diagnosis that many I love have faced. Or the pain in your heart when your 16 yr old drives herself to school for the first time after you've taken her for10 years! And then theres' just plain ole' everyday stuff. When your looking for pictures on your external hard-drive that are priceless, and can't find them, so you go and drag out the old disk that reads "backup for documents 2007" (because they're so priceless, you secured them in two places) and pop it in to retrieve them and the computer says "what would you like to do with the blank disk?"!!! (That happened to me last night!) SSTREEEEEEETCH! Hard to believe this produces any growth at all. But crazy enough, again and again, that precious King that adopted me creates in me a stronger, more wise character than I could have ever created in my own strength! I am very happy to say that being in a state of sagginess or gassiness is necessary for this girl! So sag on my friends and enjoy the gas!
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
LOVE IT!!!! This is such a "GAS".